Preparing PreK and Kindergarteners for School

Pre-K and Kindergarten Considerations

Keeping your Prek and Kindergartener safe and happy at school

Change Of Clothes
Even if your child has never had an accident, we strongly recommend a complete Change of clothes be provided and kept at school. This may save you from having to make a trip to the school.:) All articles should be clearly labeled with your child&'s name. You may wish to keep the clothes in a Zip-Loc bag in their cubby at school or in their backpack.

Wide-eyed and Bushy-tailed
Did you know that five and six year olds need 10 to 12 hours of sleep each night? Your child is still growing and developing, playing hard and learning new things each day; help them be successful by getting to bed early and waking early enough to be fresh for the new school day.

Believe it or not, your child needs to eat breakfast everyday. Little children have small tummies and burn a lot of calories quickly. That's why they refuel so often! Even if you are not in the habit of having breakfast, help your child feel well and energetic all morning by providing a nutritious start to each day.

At school your child will run, jump, climb, sprawl, skip, hop and sometimes even sit in a chair. Closed-toe, flat shoes are the safest for school wear. They will help your child perform and feel comfortable, as well as avoid falls and injuries to self or others. Try to double knot their laces to prevent falls.

Overalls, snaps and zippers
Consider how challenging clothing can be to unfasten when you select attire for school. Your child should be able to remove clothing to go to the restroom independently and quickly.

Healthy Habits
Hand washing is the most effective measure to prevent spread of illness. We will encourage your child to wash their hands before eating and after using the restroom, Please reinforce healthy habits, including blowing runny noses, covering coughs, brushing teeth and keeping hands away from mouth and face.

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