MISD Medication Policy

Montgomery ISD Medication Policy

Prescription drugs and Non-prescription drugs:

The school must receive an authorization to administer medication form before a medication can be given. The form is available in the clinic or on our website. Physician's signature is required for any medication taken at school, including prescription, over the counter medications, and oral and topical medications. Parent signature, medical professional signature and date authorized is required prior to administration of the medication. 

  1. All medication must be in the original container and cannot be expired.
  2. All medicine must be brought to and removed from the clinic by the parent/guardian, not the student.
  3. Prescription medication must contain the student's name, name of medicine, directions and expiration date.
  4. Medication changes: must be in writing and prescriptions require a new pharmacy bottle.
  5. The following conditions require additional paperwork: Diabetes, Asthma, Food allergies, severe allergies requiring emergency medication and Seizure Disorders.
  6. Please only bring small quantities of over the counter (OTC) medicine due to limited space available.
  7. The medication forms must be completed annually and all medication must be picked up prior to the last day of school. 
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